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Definition “Test should be measure what is supposing to measure.” Validity is the best available approximation to the truth of a given proposition, inference, or conclusion. Test...
Measurement of Difficulty

Objective Measurement of Difficulty

Refer ace to the definition of a psychological test with this discussion opened will show that such a test was characterized as an objective...
15 simple diets and fitness tips you should know

15 simple diets and fitness tips you should know

Every one of us keeps searching for best and Simple Diet and Fitness Tips. Some look for losing weight, some for maintaining good and...
Anxiety, Fears, and Things That Go Bump in the Night

Anxiety, Fears, and Things That Go Bump in the Night

Anxiety along with fear is attached to our nervous system. Just like pain, these are signals that signify and notify the urgency of attention....
Childhood Adversity Can Change Your Brain

Childhood Adversity Can Change Your Brain

you must Childhood is the most vulnerable stage of an individual’s life. It is at this stage that a child opens up to the...